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Tial Wastegate Spring, 38mm MVS, 44mm MVR

Model: 009
Manufactured by: TiAL

Please Choose:

  • Beige
  • Brown
  • Copper
  • Gold
  • Grey
  • Maroon

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Tial Waste gate Springs for use with: TiAL 38mm MVS (V-band 38mm wastegate) TiAL 44mm MVR (compact 44mm wastegate)

Not for use w/ with the older style standard Tial gates (2 bolt flange F38, 4 bolt flanged 41 & 46mm, V-band V44 w/ large top hat) These springs are used to change the amount of boost pressure your turbo produces. Pick your spring or spring combination based on the amount of boost you want your engine to see.

Spring Pressures for MVS (V38) Application

0.3 ________4.35 ___BROWN
0.4 ________5.80 ___GOLD
0.5 ________7.25 ___BIEGE
0.6 ________8.70 ___GREY
0.7 ________10.15 __GOLD + BROWN
0.8 ________11.60 __COPPER + BROWN
0.9 ________13.05 __GREY + BROWN
1.0 ________14.50 __GREY + GOLD
1.1 ________15.95 __MAROON + BEIGE
1.2 ________17.40 __COPPER + MAROON
1.3 ________18.85 __GREY + GOLD + BROWN
1.4 ________20.30 __COPPER + MAROON + BROWN
1.5 ________21.75 __GREY + MAROON + BROWN
1.6 ________23.20 __COPPER + MAROON + BEIGE
1.7 ________24.66 __GREY + MAROON + BEIGE

Spring Pressures for MVR (NEW 44MM) Application
BAR ____PSI ____Color
0.3 ____4.35 ___GOLD
0.4 ____5.80 ___MAROON
0.5 ____7.25 ___BROWN + GOLD
0.6 ____8.70 ___BROWN + MAROON
0.7 ____10.15 __GREY + GOLD
0.8 ____11.60 __GREY + MAROON
0.9 ____13.05 __BROWN + GOLD + GREY
1.0 ____14.50 __BROWN + MAROON + GREY
1.1 ____15.95 __BEIGE + GOLD + GREY
1.2 ____17.40 __MVR PLAIN + COPPER + GOLD + BROWN
1.3 ____18.85 __MVR PLAIN + COPPER + MAROON + BROWN
1.4 ____20.30 __MVR PLAIN + GREY+ GOLD + BEIGE
1.5 ____21.75 __MVR PLAIN + GREY + MAROON + BEIGE